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The Origin of Shia Usul al-Fiqh and its Systematization up to 5th Century , A.H

The thesis aims at studying the growth and systematization of Shi’i Usul al-fiqh in the fifth century, A.H.

The attempt involves an analysis of the background against which this systematization developed and takes into account the two major works of the period, representing this systematization. The first is al-Dhari’ah of Sharif al-Murtada (d. 436/1044) and the second, ‘Uddat al-Usul of Shaykh Abu Ja’far al-Tusi (d. 460/1067).

Bibliographic Information

Title: The Origin of Shi’i Usul al-Fiqh and its Systematization up to 5th Century , A.H

Author: M. Aftab Uddin Ahmad

Publisher: McGill University (Canada)

Language: English

Length: 188 pages

Pub. Date: March, 1970

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