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Muslim Law in Britain: Reflections in the Socio-Legal Sphere and Differential Legal Treatment+PDF

This paper seeks to demonstrate that the dynamic reconstruction process of Muslim identity in Britain has remarkable reflections in the socio-legal sphere since law is a socio-cultural construct.

This paper seeks to demonstrate that the dynamic reconstruction process of Muslim identity in Britain has remarkable reflections in the socio-legal sphere since law is a socio-cultural construct. It is abundantly clear that there are some cultural differences between Muslims in Britain and the British way of life. Thus, in the socio-legal arena, there would appear a number of clashes between these two cultures and their legal systems. Muslim mind as a sujet de droits is under the pressure of these conflicting laws. As we shall see below, a crucial but unfortunate aspect of the issue is the differential legal treatment of the different ethnic minorities in Britain.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Muslim Law in Britain: Reflections in the Socio-Legal Sphere and Differential Legal Treatment

Author: Ihsan Yilmaz

Published in: Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, Vol. 20, No. 2, 2000

 Language: English

Length: 8 pages

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