This glossary includes travel-specific terminology used to define the Muslim/Halal travel market segment. It also covers some of the terms related to an overview of Islam, core values and practices as well as the terms used in the cultural context of Muslim lifestyle related to travel.
According to the MasterCard-CrescentRating Global Muslim Travel Index 2015, in 2014 the Muslim travel market was worth $145 billion, with 108 million Muslim travellers representing 10% of the entire travel economy. This is forecasted to grow to 150 million visitors by 2020 and 11% of the market with an expenditure projected to grow to $200 million. Muslim travel will continue to be one of the fastest growing travel sectors in the world.
With the growth of the market, there is a need to better understand the terms used to describe the many services, needs and practices related to this segment of travellers. This book is the first attempt at collecting all the relevant terms in one place. Understanding these concepts, terms and definitions will help destinations and services to better navigate the segment.
The glossary includes travel-specific terminology used to define the Muslim/Halal travel market segment. It also covers some of the terms related to an overview of Islam, core values and practices as well as the terms used in the cultural context of Muslim lifestyle related to travel.
Bibliographic Information
Title: Muslim / Halal travel market Basic concepts, terms and definitions
Publisher: Crescent Rating Pte Ltd
Language: English
Length: 37pages
Pub. Date: 2015/08/09