Home / Announcements / Moscow International Halal Exposition 2016

Moscow International Halal Exposition 2016

Moscow International Halal Exposition to be held from the 21st to 23rd of May 2016 in Crocus Expo International Exhibition Centre.

Due to the growth of religious consciousness of the Russian Muslims, the domestic market of halal-products and services is on the rise. Products consumption under marks of Halal is growing, and the interest of the manufacturers, including from the countries of the Muslim world, to the potential of the Russian market is growing as well. Moscow international Halal Exposition has in 4 years become a place where there are representatives of Russian and foreign companies of the Halal-industry, the business presentations, training seminars and round tables on exchange experience in sphere of manufacture, standardization and certification of production of Halal. Two days of the exposition are devoted to Moscow Halal Forum uniting experts in halal industry and Islamic finance sphere. The participants exchange opinions on the international experience in halal certification and market development, Islamic finance, banking and insurance. Seminars are conducted by experts of the international research institutes and financial companies. The program of Moscow Halal Expo also includes the Day of Islamic culture during which the visitors will be able to observe new trends of the Muslim style-industry, take pleasure in watching and tasting the national cuisine, assessing Islamic arts, watch number of the musical programs – traditional Muslim songs – nasheeds. Moscovites and guests of the capital, having visited the Show in any of three days of the exhibition, have opportunity to buy pleasant goods under the prices of manufacturers. The Moscow international Halal Exposition becomes the significant economic event confirming an openness of the Russia Federation for investments and cooperation with the Muslim countries.

Key topics:

  • Halal products and services
  • Halal certification
  • Islamic finance, banking, insurance
  • Textiles and style
  • Islamic culture&arts

Mission and tasks: The Moscow Halal Expo has the following objectives:

  • Exchange experience among countries in the sphere of certification of halal production and services. Mutual recognition of halal certificates.
  • Strengthening business relations between Russia and the Muslim countries.
  • Exchange experience and development of Islamic finance issues in the Russian Federation
  • To become Islamic cultural event

To see more, Click here.

About Ali Teymoori

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