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Mechanism and Initiatives to Eliminate Extremism, Terrorism, Criminal Violence and War

While various  peace  studies programs have been produced with religious, legal, international relations, historical, and other approaches, this paper suggests the development of Islamic peace studies as an integral part of Islamic peace building.

In this paper I review some of the causes of violence and terrorism against which measures can be taken by Islamic States. Since the breadth of the topic is too wide to be treated intelligently in a short paper, I focus on the ways in which understanding can be promoted by Islamic states to reduce violence. In particular, it is recommended that  Islamic  states  promote  education  about peace in  the  universities  and  at a  more popular level through the media, promote cooperation between religious institutions at both  national  and  international  levels  for  the  sake  of  peace  building  and  peace education,  arrange  to  strengthen  or  establish  both  governmental  institutions  and NGO’s  dedicated  to peace  studies  and peace  building.  While various  peace  studies
programs have been produced with religious, legal, international relations, historical, and other approaches, this paper suggests the development of Islamic peace studies as an integral part of Islamic peace building. These educational and practical initiatives should  supplement  the  more  obvious  means  of  preventing  conflict  through mechanisms for addressing grievances, for international security and cooperation, and by  the  strengthening  of  international  instruments  for  arbitration  and  national  and international  judicial  institutions.  To  this  end  it  is  proposed,  finally,  that  an international Islamic Peace Organization be established.

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About Ali Teymoori

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