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Introducing the Realities of Imam Hussain Uprising: Ayatollah al-Hakim

Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Saeed Hakim, the Shia Iraqi Marja’ asked academics and intellectuals to play their part in introducing and maintaining the realities of Islam as well as the legacy of Imam Hussain’s uprising.

“Imam Hussain (as) sacrificed his life and his family and companions on the Day of Ashura for a great cause. He was most certain that the message of his uprising would reach Muslims everywhere and it will restore pure Islamic values and preserve its teachings for later generations.”

A group of University academics and medical doctors from the Iraqi city of Hillah, met with senior Shia cleric Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Saeed Hakim in his office on Monday.

During the meeting, the Iraqi cleric elaborated on the lessons of Imam Hussain’s (as) uprising and Ashura movement urging Muslims to preserve his legacy; “Imam Hussain (as) sacrificed his life and his family and companions on the Day of Ashura for a great cause. He was most certain that the message of his uprising would reach Shia Muslims everywhere and it will restore pure Islamic values and preserve its teachings for later generations.”

The Shia Iraqi Marja’ also asked academics and intellectuals to play their part in introducing and maintaining the realities of Islam as well as the legacy of Imam Hussain’s uprising. He also urged Muslim scholars to elaborate on the results and lessons of this great movement since it took place on year 61 A.H.”

Grand Ayatollah Hakim further asked the academic elites present in his office to promote the importance of Imam Hussain’s movement on the Day of Ashura and discuss its role in preserving genuine Islamic values and teachings.”

About Ali Teymoori

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