Home / Conferences / International Congress-Exhibition RussianHalalExpo-2018

International Congress-Exhibition RussianHalalExpo-2018

The International Congress-Exhibition RussianHalalExpo-2018 will be held on April 26-28, 2018, in Moscow, Russia.

Organizers of the event are “Shine of Orient Corporation” and the International Center for Halal Standardization and Certification of Russia Muftis Council. The exhibition is supported by the Moscow Government, the Halal Standard Committee, the Religious Board of Muslims and the Government of the Chechen Republic, the World Halal Council, GULFTIC (UAE), Gimdes (Turkey).

Distinctive features of the RussianHalalExpo exhibition are not only a narrow specialization and format only for specialists. The conference wants to show and inform the producer and the consumer that the Halal is identified as high quality eco-friendly products. Halal is not only a quality mark of products and compliance with Islamic customs, it is an extensive concept of purity that affects all spheres of life.

The main goal of the Exhibition is to promote the Halal industry of confessional products and services as the basis for the formation of a healthy future generation of the country. The exhibition promotes the creation of favorable conditions and business climate for business in the halal area, the establishment of business contacts between representatives of domestic and foreign business and the entry of Russian companies into the world market, as well as the development of halal tourism in Russia.

In 2018 RussianHalalExpo will unite on one platform more than 100 companies from 15 countries, including from Turkey, Malaysia, Pakistan, the UAE, Kazakhstan, etc. More than 5000 people will attend the event. The newest product samples of the domestic and foreign enterprises will be presented at an exhibition: foodstuffs, industrial goods, consumer goods.

The main sections of the exhibition are: Medicine and Pharmaceuticals, Tourism and Hospitality, Cosmetics and Perfumery, Education, Food, HoReCa, Souvenirs, Investment Projects, Sporting Events.

Within the framework of the event the IX International Halal Congress and the contest among producers “Best Halal Product of the Year” will be held. One of the brightest events will be the Muslim Cuisine Festival HalalFoodFest 2018.

The RussianHalalExpo exhibition is a great opportunity to establish business contacts, to attract new clients, to find reliable partners. We will be glad to see you at the exhibition and hope that the visit of this event will prove to be comprehensively useful for you.


The participants of the Russian Halal Expo are certified producers of food products, consumer goods, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, companies providing services in the field of hotel and restaurant services, tourism, education and medicine, investment companies.

Visitors of the Exhibition

  • Representatives of business structures;
  • Representatives of the expert community in the field of health
  • Representatives of large wholesale and retail chains and HoReCa segment;
  • Representatives of the scientific sector “Halal”;
  • Representatives of executive authorities;
  • Representatives of small and medium-sized businesses;
  • Consumers of products and services.

Important Dates

Conference Date: April 26-28, 2018

Venue: Moscow, Expocenter fairgrounds

Conference Website

About Ali Teymoori

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