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Imamate and Leadership: Lessons on Islamic Doctrine +PDF

The book “Imamate and Leadership: Lessons on Islamic Doctrine” includes leadership in Islam, leadership of the Prophet and appointment of Imam Ali, responsibility of the companions, necessity of Imamate, and interesting accounts of Imam’s communication with the unseen including the story of Maitham al-tammar.

In 1357/1978, the author Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari traveled to America at the invitation of an Islamic organization in that country. He then went to England and France and after returning to Iran and began writing a series of articles on Islamic ideology for the magazine Soroush. These articles were later collected in a four-volume book on the fundamental beliefs of Islam (tauhid, divine justice, prophethood, imamate, and resurrection) under the title The Foundations of Islamic Doctrine. This four-volume work has been translated into Arabic, some parts of it having already been printed three times. The English translation of the first volume of this work forms the present book; the remaining volumes will also be translated and published. Urdu, Hindi and French translations are also underway; two volumes of the French translation have already appeared. This book has been Translated by Dr. Hamid Algar, includes leadership in Islam, leadership of the Prophet and appointment of Imam Ali, responsibility of the companions, necessity of Imamate, and interesting accounts of Imam’s communication with the unseen including the story of Maitham al-tammar.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Imamate and leadership: lessons on Islamic doctrine

Author: Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari

Publisher: Islamic Education Center

 Language: English

Length: 136

ISBN: 978-964-5817-52-5

Pub. Date: 2012/12/15

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