Home / All / Imam al-Riḍa’s (‘a) Esoteric Traditions: An Exposition of Selected Traditions from ‘Uyūn Akhbār al-Riḍā

Imam al-Riḍa’s (‘a) Esoteric Traditions: An Exposition of Selected Traditions from ‘Uyūn Akhbār al-Riḍā

In this treatise, ‘Allamah Hasan Mustafawi has selected 30 subjects (along with their supplementary topics) in relation to esoteric, intricate, and allegorical traditions (ahadith) from ‘Uyun Akhbar al-Rida by the great traditionist (muhaddith) Shaykh al-Saduq and explained their meanings in his signature lucid and concise manner.

This exposition includes a wide range of mystical and philosophical subjects such as:

  • The Grip (hujzah), Face (wajh), and Visitation (ziyarah) of Allah; the Primordial Existence and His essential attributes; alleged forgetfulness of God; Allah’s knowledge of Himself, His Power and Names; the Throne (‘arsh), Pillar (‘amud), and Whale (hut);
  • “He is indeed Subtle, All-hearing, and All-seeing;” “He is with you wherever you are;” “Your Lord came;” “Allah has set a seal on their hearts;” His descent to the earthly heaven; “Allah[’s Command] should come to them;” the meaning of tasmiyyah (saying bismillah);
  • Limitation and poverty; the essence of will; predestination and freewill; the reality of being veiled and to be left in darkness; letters of the alphabet; paradise and hell as being created; ordinance (mashiyyah) and fate (al-qada wa’l-qadar); predestination (jabr), ordinance (mashiyyah), and action (‘amal); creation (khalq), ordainment (taqdir), and actions (af‘al); predestination (jabr) and delegation (tafwid); tranquility (sakinah) and paradise (jannah); and is the Qur’an pre-eternal or corporeal?

Bibliographic Information

Title: Imam al-Riḍa’s (‘a) Esoteric Traditions: An Exposition of Selected Traditions from ‘Uyūn Akhbār al-Riḍā

Author(s): ‘Allamah Hasan Mustafawi

Translator: Mansoor Limba

Publisher: ‎Independently published

Length: 217 pages

ISBN: 979-879553945

Pub. Date: January 4, 2022

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About Ali Teymoori

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