Home / Announcements / Fifth Risalat Summer Course to Be Held in Qom, Iran

Fifth Risalat Summer Course to Be Held in Qom, Iran

In cooperation with the International Institute for Islamic Studies (IIIS), Risalat International Institute (RII) is pleased to host a fifth group of RSC participants in Iran.

Located in the holy city of Qom, the International Institute for Islamic Studies and Risalat International Institute specialize in training scholars and teachers, compiling textbooks on Islamic subjects and offering educational programmes on different countries. IIIS and IIR are now pleased to launch the registration for the fifth summer course. This year the course includes a trip to the historical city of Isfahan as well.

Arrival and Departure:
Arrival: August 9 in Imam Khomeini airport
Departure: August 24
It is preferable to depart from Mashhad, but it is also possible to depart from Tehran with prior agreement.

The program will consist of a variety of lectures and workshops revolving around the following topics:
• Theology
• Anthropology
• Prophethood
• Imamate
• Resurrection
• Felicity

The courses are based on two publications of the Risalat International Institute:
• Islamic Belief System
• Lessons on Imamah and Wilayah
Participants are expected to attend approximately 35 hours of lectures over the course of two-weeks.

Course Certificate:
The certificate will be submitted to those who:
1. Have no absence in the classes
2. Successfully pass exam

Other Programs:
There will be some visits to different places in Qum, Isfahan and Mashhad during the course.

• Qum:
o Accommodation: Mojtama’ Yawaran-e Mahdi (as), a 10-minute walk from Jamkaran Mosque
o Courses: held in Mojtama’ Yawaran-e Mahdi (as)
o Transportation: provided almost every night for Maghrib prayers to and from the holy shrine of Lady Ma’sumah (as).
• Mashhad:
o Accommodation: Hotel, a 10-15 minute walk from the Holy Shrine

1. Rooms are on a sharing basis both in Qom and Mashhad.
2. Participating in the course requires commitment to the schedule. Arranging with the coordinators for any personal changes in the schedule is a must.

Applications Instructions

Applications will be considered in the order that they arrive.

To have a complete application file for the Summer Course, we must receive the items below. Your application file will not be considered for admission until it is complete.

    • Complete online application: Please ensure that you fully answer all questions in the online application.
    • Passport scan: If you are not currently in Iran, please email a scan of the first page of your passport to:    info@risalatinstitute.com
    • Course Fee: The total cost for the course, including meals, transportation, and accommodation inside Iran is $800 USD. A $50 USD discount is given to the early bird registration by the end of February 2019.
    • Letter of Recommendation: Participants are expected to send two letters of recommendation from their Islamic centers or any Islamic scholar.
    • Age Limit: 20-50

Note: Applications will be processed and accepted until May 30, 2019. The passport scan and the letters of recommendation also need to be sent to info@risalatinstitute.com. You will be notified upon acceptance by June 30, and the course fee requires to be delivered by July 10. Your registration will not be complete before receiving a confirmation email and delivering the cost.

To see more click here.

About Ali Teymoori

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