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Fasting, I’tekaf, Advent of Moon, Fitrah+PDF

This booklet consists of those issues which believers come across during the month of ramadhan and eid. They are presented beautifully in an extreme easy way according to verdicts of four Maraja’e.

In this booklet, you will read rituals and decrees associated with fasting and i’tekaf.

Decrees regarding fitrah and moon have already being distributed earlier by few Momineen in the form of pamphlet. It was felt appropriate to include them at the end of the book as well.

The verdicts of following 4 Mujtahids have been considered in this book:

Late Ayatollah Khoei (ra)

Late Imam Khomeini (ra)

Ayatollah Sistani (db)

Respected Leader Ayatollah Khamenei (db)

Care has been taken to sideline the differences in verdicts of these Mujtahids except where necessary. Every care has been taken to narrate the precautionary aspect of their verdicts.

To make the book reader friendly, easy and familiar words have been used so that the reader does not feel any inconvenience to understand.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Fasting, I’tikaaf, Advent of the Moon and Fitra According to Four Maraji’

Author:  Muhammad Reza Davoodani

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

 Language: English

Length: 39

ISBN: 978-1519266804

Pub. Date: November 13, 2015

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About Ali Teymoori

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