Home / Conferences / Expo Halal Spain 2018

Expo Halal Spain 2018

The third edition of Expo Halal Spain, focuses on the halal industry, food, lifestyle, tourism, pharmaceuticals and finance among other sectors, will be held on 26th to 27th April, 2018.

Madrid will become the Halal’s industry epicenter with the celebration of ExpoHalal Spain 2018 and its Conference Program.

During two days, round table discussions and conferences will gather experts, professionals of the Halal sector and success stories from all over the world.

The speakers will address current Halal issues such as new markets, keys to export, Muslim friendly tourism, and useful information about certification and standardization.

A special emphasis will also be given this year to Islamic Finance, with one whole day dedicated to this topic.

Halal is a huge Market with a rapid growth of the Halal industry in Europe provides great national and international business opportunities.

The term Halal refers to the healthy actions, services and products allowed for Muslims.

With a global population of more than 1600 million Muslims, for which more than 40 million living in Europe, the continent has become an important market to develop the Halal industry, and the big producers and European companies have begun to create new products and services to fit this market.

Due in part to the high purchasing power of this community, the European Halal industry is valued at 70 billion dollars. A worldwide market estimated to reach 1.81 trillion euros in 2020.

As Maghreb’s gateway to Europe, Spain has a long Andalusian tradition and excellent relations with the MENA region countries.

Halal food sector will move 2,5 billion in 2019 (21.2% of world food expenditure), $ 54 billion for the cosmetics sector and $ 145 billion for the tourism sector, with 108 million travelers globally.

EXPOHALAL will gather the highest quality products of the Halal industry. A meeting point of Halal buyers and suppliers between East and West.


Health, medicine and life style

  • Halal healthy lifestyle
  • Growing offers and demands for halal cosmetics products
  • Halal practices in Europe
  • Health, medicine and halal pharmacy
  • The importance of halal consumption

Halal certification

  • Certification: process and uniformity – challenges and future vision in Spain
  • Halal economy: e-commerce and branding
  • Halal international regulation
  • Global halal food industry: halal ingredients opportunities & inefficiencies in regulation
  • The halal market: challenges and opportunities


  • Tourism market: a growing demand for Muslim-friendly offers
  • Spain: how halal tourism can be promoted and developed in Spain
  • The market of hajj and omra

Finance and insurance

  • Islamic finances in Europe: banking and investment/ Spain situation
  • Islamic finances and capital rising in the halal sectors
  • Islamic sukouk
  • Islamic insurances takhful system

For more information click here.

About Ali Teymoori

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