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Economic Impact of Religious and Ethical Education in Mahdism Perspective

This study is an innovative start on the subject of Mahdism Ethics and lifestyles to explore the hidden or unobserved socioeconomic impact of ethics and religion on life style of individuals.

Religious and ethical education is as important as scientific, secular or technical education. The socioeconomic impact of religious and ethical education is multidimensional. However, the study of the religious and ethical behaviors and their implicit as well as explicit impact on the human behavior is mostly hidden in latent variables i.e. which economists cannot observe or estimate directly. For measuring these latent or unobserved variables, the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique is applied to the Divine Capital Model 2012. This study is an innovative start on the subject of Mahdism Ethics and lifestyles to explore the hidden or unobserved socioeconomic impact of ethics and religion on life style of individuals. The study shall use survey data to estimate the relationships between ethics, religiosity, education and lifestyles in sampled population. The study shall provide the basis for the future research on the relationship between the economic performance and ethical and religious education which shall provide pragmatic support to do extensive theoretical as well as empirical studies in this new and emerging field of research. Based on the findings about the nature, direction and magnitude of the socio-economic relationships with ethical and religious education, the study proposes to invest for high morals in the society so that a highly civilized lifestyle may come into being which shall be required for the early reappearance of The Holy Imam of the time [Ajj].

Bibliographic Information

Title: Economic Impact of Religious and Ethical Education in Mahdism Perspective

Author: Sayyed Ali Abidi

Published in: The Bright Future, Number 10, June 2015

 Language: English

Length: 26 pages

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