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Comprehensive Islamic Jurisprudence according to the Qur’an and Authentic Sunnah

In this book, Al-Imam Ash-Shawkani – may Allah shower blessings on him – provided the authentic texts upon which his chosen views in ad-Durar al-Bahiyyah were based, citing the sources of the narrations, affirming their authenticity and reliability as proofs and giving very pithy notes where necessary to aid further understanding of the points he established.

This book is a very important book by al-Imam Ash-Shawkani (May Allah shower His Blessings on him). The Imam had compiled a concise text “Ad-Durar al-Bahiyyah fee al-Masaail al-Fiqhiyyah” in which he outlined the most preponderant views in the matters of Fiqh based on authentic proofs and text-based reasoning. Shaykh Siddiq Hasan Khan (May Allah shower His Blessings on Him) described it as “leaving out those of it (i.e. the opinions) that are mere thoughts since they amount to the hear-says of it and without paying attention to those that became popular (of the opinions) since the truth alone deserves to be followed.”

Shaykh Siddiq Hasan Khan continued regarding ad-Durar al-Bahiyyah; the resemblance of this concise piece to the comprehensive works among the Books of Fiqh is like the metal mold to the dross as is known to whosoever is deeply rooted in knowledge.

In his own remarks, Shaykh Muhammad Subhiy al-Hallaq, the teacher of Hadith and Fiqh in Yemen well-known for his efforts in tracing the manuscripts of the works of Al-Imam ash-Shawkaniy, editing and publishing them, said, “The book, Ad-Durar al-Bahiyyah fi al-Masaail al-Fiqhiyyah is of the best books of Fiqh not sticking to (and blind-following) any particular school in its form and content…”.

Subsequently, some among the people of knowledge during his time requested Al-Imam Ash-Shawkani to briefly explain ad-Durar al-Bahiyyah and open up its treasures to the benefit of scholars and students. He granted the request and authored this book with you, Ad-Darrariy al-Mudiyyah Sharh ad-Duran al-Bahiyyah.

In Ad-Darrariy al-Mudiyyah, Al-Imam Ash-Shawkani – may Allah shower blessings on him – provided the authentic texts upon which his chosen views in ad-Durar al-Bahiyyah were based, citing the sources of the narrations, affirming their authenticity and reliability as proofs and giving very pithy notes where necessary to aid further understanding of the points he established.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Comprehensive Islamic jurisprudence : according to the Qur’an and authentic Sunnah

Author(s): Muḥammad ibn ʻAlī al-Shawkānī

Translator: Abu Aisha Murttadha Salahud Deen al-Iwoowee

Publication: Dakwah Corner Bookstore, Malaysia

Language: English

Length: 798 pages

ISBN: 978-967-56995-42

Pub. Date: 2019

Comprehensive Islamic Jurisprudence

About Ali Teymoori

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