This Book offers a comparative study of curricula, teaching materials, and teacher education in fourteen European countries, and in doing so, explores local, national, and international complexities of contemporary Islamic Religious Education....
March, 2023
23 March
Shiʿite Legal Theory: Sources and Commentaries
This volume contains editions and commentaries of hitherto un-edited manuscripts from the various strands of the Shiʿite tradition of Islamic thought (Zaydi, Ismaʿili and...
22 March
A Comparison of Women’s Position in the Tasnim Exegesis of the Qur’an and the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women and the 2030 Education Framework
This research has employed descriptive and text analysis methods as well as library and field research methods to do a comparative study on international documents and the articles of these...
13 March
Human Rights in Islamic Societies: Muslims and the Western Conception of Rights
This book compares Islamic and Western ideas of human rights in order to ascertain which human rights, if any, can be considered universal. This is a profound topic with a rich history that is highly relevant within global politics and...
9 March
Boundaries of Life and Death from the Viewpoint of Shi‘i Islamic Jurisprudence
The article provides an overview of the various opinions, theories and debate concerning the boundaries of human life (the beginning and end of human life) in Shi‘i Islam and the important consequences in terms of the use of...
February, 2023
26 February
Organ Donation in Islam: The Interplay of Jurisprudence, Ethics, and Society
This wide-ranging volume represents an invaluable resource for religious leaders, healthcare professionals, social scientists, policy makers, researchers, and others interested in the interplay between contemporary healthcare, religious tradition, health policy and...
22 February
Ijtihad, Intellectual and Legislative Development
Muslims do not believe in the conciliatory Ijtihad that sets out to justify the legal reality of many cases of deviation.
10 February
Studying the Qur’an in the Muslim Academy
Studying the Qur'an in the Muslim Academy examines what it is like to study and teach the Qur'an at academic institutions in the Muslim world, and how politics affect scholarly interpretations of the text....
8 February
Muslim Communities and Cultures of the Himalayas: Conceptualizing the Global Ummah
This book chronicles individual perspectives and specific iterations of Muslim community, practice, and experience in the Himalayan region to bring into scholarly conversation the presence of varying Muslim cultures in the...
7 February
The Routledge Handbook of Halal Hospitality and Islamic Tourism
The book examines halal hospitality and lodging, Islamic markets, product developments, heritage, certification, and emerging and future trends and issues....