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August, 2019

  • 4 August

    Shaykh Mufid by Tamima Bayhom-Daou

    The purpose of this book is to introduce the thought of an Imami Shiʻi scholar who lived and worked in Baghdad at the turn of the eleventh century and was the first of a line of scholars who helped establish a role for....

  • 3 August

    Reasoning with God: Reclaiming Shari‘ah in the Modern Age

    From laws against the implementation of Shari‘ah in the United States to anger about the role of Shari‘ah in Egypt’s new constitution, many people are confused about the meaning of Shari‘ah in Islam and...

  • 3 August

    Visions of Sharīʿa: Contemporary Discussions in Shī ͑ī Legal Theory

    In Visions of Sharīʿa Bhojani, De Rooij and Bohlander present the first broad examination of ways in which legal theory ( uṣūl al-fiqh) within Twelver Shīʿī thought continues to be a forum for vibrant debates regarding the assumptions, epistemology and hermeneutics of...

July, 2019

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