Home / Announcements / Call for Papers: Turkish Journal of Shiite Studies

Call for Papers: Turkish Journal of Shiite Studies

Turkish Journal of Shiite Studies aims to publish studies reflecting the scientific and academic perspective which are related to Shi’ism that one of the most important Islamic thought schools, and all subjects concerned to it.

The journal is an international academic journal published twice a year on JUNE and DECEMBER in electronic media.

In this context, our journal includes copyrighted and translated articles, research notes, symposium/book/thesis reviews, critical editions, simplifications etc. from all kinds of Social Sciences such as History of Islamic Sects, Kalam, Tafsir, Hadith, Law, History, Politics, Economics, and International Relations which are related with Imāmiyya, Zaydiyya, Ismāiliyya and other Shi’ite sects.

The articles submitted for publication are evaluated to a double-blind review by at least two referees. The articles are also confirmed through a special program used in the determination of plagiarism that they have not been published before and do not contain plagiarism. 150-200 words abstract is claimed for the articles which are completed the refereeing process.

The Journal is a peer-reviewed international and open access scholarly journal. The journal is dedicated to the scholarly study of all aspects of Shia/Shiism.
The journal is published by the academicians who study this area. The Journal accepts the articles in English, Turkish and Persian.

Turkish Journal of Shiite Studies is Abstracted/Indexed in Google Scholar, DRJI, IndexCopernicus, CiteFactor, ResearchBib, Idealonline. Turkish Journal of Shiite Studies is inviting papers for Vol. 1, No. 2.

The online publication date is December 31, 2019. Submission Deadline: November 30, 2019
For any additional information, please contact the executive editor at habibdemir06@gmail.com and turkishshiitestudies@gmail.com

Submit Articles: https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/siader

About Ali Teymoori

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