Home / Announcements / Call for Papers: Annual Ayatollah Khomeini International Conference

Call for Papers: Annual Ayatollah Khomeini International Conference

The Annual Ayatollah Khomeini International Conference which is organized by Hawza Ilmiyya Jami Babul Ilm will be held on June 10, at Kashmir University.

The Islamic Revolution achieved a goal that was desired by the Muslim for centuries after the fall of the caliphate and penetration of the Imperial forces. Though, the revolution brought about a shift in the thinking of people around the world and ‘no-East no-West’ becomes slogan of the oppressed nations. Many people referred the Islamic Revolution as a Shiʻi religious revolution. Though, there was a centuries of intellectual and political struggle as its background, but it was a revolution of Mustadhafeen. The charismatic personality of Ayatollah Sayyid Ruhullah al-Mosawi Khomeini was a huge driving force of this revolution. Ayatollah Khomeini structured the Islamic thought in such a way that people understood the true meaning of Islamic values and associated with it to achieve emancipation. The contemporary world is divided into mustadhafeen and mustakbireen and Ayatollah Khomeini informed us about it many decades ago. The injustices face ideologies, corrupt politics and erosion of morality has become common in today’s society. The ideas and character of Ayatollah Khomeini has a lot to offer and the need is to look at the Ayatollah from the academic standpoint to bring out the relevancies of his thought and praxis. Therefore, the aim of the conference is to bring scholars and activists together and underline different aspects of the personality and ideas of Ayatollah Khomeini and his contribution to the contemporary world.

The broader themes will include:

Ayatollah Khomeini as a great Faqih

Islamic Revolution and Mustadhafeen of the World

Ayatollah Khomeini’s contribution to the resistance discourse

Islamic Political Thought and Ayatollah Khomeini

Shiʼi Fiqh and Ayatollah Khomeini

Ayatollah Khomeini as Revolotionary, Philosopher and Mystic

Hawza education and political activism of Ayatollah Khomeini

Influences on Ayatollah Khomeini’s thought

Muslim world and Ayatollah Khomeini

Important Data

Abstract Deadline Submission: 25th April 2019

Full-Paper Deadline Submission: 15th May 2019

Conference Date: 10th June 2019

Venue: Kashmir University

Basic Submission Rules

Language: articles can be submitted in English, Urdu and Farsi

Abstract: no more than 300 words

Key words: no more than 6 words

Full-Paper: 2500-400 words (typed in MS Word-comptible file in both Word and PDF formats) font: 14 point

Deadline for the Submission of the Abstract of the papers: 25th April 2019

Send the Abstract to: jamiababulilem2019@gmail.com

About Ali Teymoori

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