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Book: Islamic Jurisprudence: An International Perspective

This book seeks to present information, not at present available in a single work, on the pioneering efforts of Islamic jurists to develop a comprehensive body of human rights, principles and practice, as well as a corpus of international law principles.

Islamic jurisprudence is a much misunderstood system. The misunderstanding is due to lack of information and to centuries of prejudice. This book seeks to present information, not at present available in a single work, on the pioneering efforts of Islamic jurists to develop a comprehensive body of human rights, principles and practice, as well as a corpus of international law principles. The attempt to develop such international law principles long anticipated any similar work in other legal or cultural systems. Human rights doctrine based upon the Qu’ran and the Sunna of the Prophet was expressed in terms which will strike the reader as surprisingly modern. In international law, Islamic treatises anticipated the work of Grotius by eight centuries. It is hoped that this systematic exposition, not attempted before in such detail, will help considerably in reducing misunderstanding and the resulting tensions, as well as being of considerable value to the Islamic world. The work will be of interest not only to lawyers, but also to philosophers, historians, sociologists, political scientists and students of international affairs.

 Table of Contents

The Origins of Islamic Law

The Arabic Resurgence of Learning

The Sources of Islamic Law

The Schools of Law

Some Basic Islamic Legal Ideas

Islamic Influences on European Legal Philosophy and Law

Islam and Human Rights

Islamic International Law

The Value of Islamic Jurisprudence to the Non-Islamic World

About the Author

C. G. WEERAMANTRY is Professor of Law at Monash University in Australia and was formerly a Justice of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka. He teaches international law and human rights and has written several works on those subjects and on comparative law.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Islamic Jurisprudence: An International Perspective

Author: C. G. Weeramantry

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan UK

 Language: English

Length: 207 pages

ISBN: 978-1-349-19456-8

Pub. Date: 1988

About Ali Teymoori

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