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Book: Ibāḍī Jurisprudence: Origins, Developments and Cases

The book “Ibāḍī Jurisprudence: Origins, Developments and Cases” was written by Barbara Michalak-Pikulska and Reinhard Eisener and published by Georg Olms Verlag.

Ibadi jurisprudence looks back on more than 1000 years of tradition and productive development. Nevertheless, in terms of scholarly research, a long time this particular school of Islamic law has remained a remote field of interest. After some first and basic encounters in the colonial period – not least for practical reasons – it happened in recent decades that both Ibadi and non-Ibadi scholars gave a fresh impetus to studies of Ibadi law and jurisprudence.

The present volume has the aim to explore the vast field of Ibadi jurisprudence from its beginnings to the present day against the background of enhanced knowledge and research. Thus the contributions of the individual authors provide the reader with different approaches to and new insights into a great variety of topics, ranging from fundamentals of legal theory to practical cases of law, ancient and modern, from the origins and formation of the Ibadi school, its interrelations with other Islamic schools of law, to developments in doctrinal and regional context including reactions to achievements of European modernity.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Ibāḍī Jurisprudence: Origins, Developments and Cases

Authors: Barbara Michalak-Pikulska and Reinhard Eisener

Publisher: Georg Olms Verlag

 Language: English

Length: 276 pages

ISBN: 978-3-487-15150-2

Pub. Date: 2015

About Ali Teymoori

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