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Book: Glad Tidings of Mustafa for the Shia of Murtaza

The book, The Glad Tidings of Mustafa for the Shia of Murtaz’a, boasts a collection of over five hundred and ninety narrations, whose sources are amongst the most widely-recognized and accepted narrators in the Shia world.

This book is truly an invaluable Shia resource, containing narrations which provide an ocean of knowledge for the heart that is open to receive them. Each Hadith is truly a precious treasure which requires careful reading, understanding, and reflection, for it is as Imam Abu Abdillah Jaafar in Mohammad Al-Sadiq says, “It is better to understand one Hadith than to narrate a thousand.”

Bibliographic Information

Title: Glad Tidings of Mustafa for the Shia of Murtaza

Author: Shaykh Emadul Deen Al-Tabari

Translator: Sayyid Mohsen Al-Husaini Al-Milani

Publisher: Shiabooks.ca

 Language: English

Length: 473 pages

Pub. Date: 1 Mar. 2005

Glad Tidings of Al-Mustafa for Shias of Al-Murtaza (PDF Part 1)

Glad Tidings of Al-Mustafa for Shias of Al-Murtaza (PDF Part 2a)

Glad Tidings of Al-Mustafa for Shias of Al-Murtaza (PDF Part 3)

Glad Tidings of Al-Mustafa for Shias of Al-Murtaza (PDFPart 4)

Glad Tidings of Al-Mustafa for Shias of Al-Murtaza (PDFPart 5)

Glad Tidings of Al-Mustafa for Shias of Al-Murtaza (PDFPart 6)

Glad Tidings of Al-Mustafa for Shias of Al-Murtaza (PDFPart 7)

Glad Tidings of Al-Mustafa for Shias of Al-Murtaza (PDFPart 8)

Glad Tidings of Al-Mustafa for Shias of Al-Murtaza (PDFPart 9)

Glad Tidings of Al-Mustafa for Shias of Al-Murtaza (PDFPart 10)

Glad Tidings of Al-Mustafa for Shias of Al-Murtaza (PDFPart 11)

About Ali Teymoori

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