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Book Fatwa in Indonesia by Pradana Boy

This book takes a close look at three Fatwaa-making agencies—Majelis Ulama Indonesia, Lajnah Bahth al-Masail Nahdlatul Ulama, and Majelis Tarjih Muhammadiyah—all of which are highly influential in shaping religious thought and the lives of Muslims in Indonesia.

This book seeks to examine Islamic legal opinion (fatwā) in the post-New Order (Orde Baru) Indonesia issued by three major fatwā-making agencies (dār al-if tāʼ) in the country namely Majelis Ulama’ Indonesia (MUI), Majelis Tarjih Muhammadiyah, and Lajnah Baḥth al-Masāil Nahdlatul Ulama’ (LBM-NU). It elucidates the key features of these agencies and the distinctive methods they utilize in crafting their legal opinion (fatwā). It also examines major factors conditioning the genesis of legal opinion (fatwā) selected. Nevertheless, it should also be made clear from the outset that this book does not aim at in-depth socio-historical analysis conditioning the making of legal opinion (fatwā). Another central issue analyzed is how competing modes of thought condition as well as ref lect the production of legal opinion (fatwā) within the respective agencies. Furthermore, how legal opinion (fatwā) serve as a site for competing mode of thinking of dominant agencies within the Muslim community of Indonesia will be explored.

About the Author

Pradana Boy ZTF is a lecturer in Islamic Law, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia. Trained as an Islamic legal scholar at Faculty of Islamic Studies, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. His master in contemporary Islamic thought and movements is obtained from Australian National University (2007). Ph.D in Islamic legal thought is completed at National University of Singapore (2015).

Table of Contents

Chapter I: Introduction

  1. Background
  2. Mode of Thought – Traditionalism- Revivalism – Reformism
  3. Significance of the Study
  4. Methodology
  5. Thesis Structure

Chapter II: Fatwa in Islamic Legal Theory and Indonesian Legal System

  1. Introduction
  2. Fatwa in Islamic Legal Theory
  3. Fatwa and the Indonesian Legal System
  4. Conclusion

Chapter III: Majelis Ulama Indonesia and Fatwa on Pluralism

  1. Introduction
  2. Plurality of Islam and Religious Pluralism in Indonesia
  3. MUI’s Fatwa on Religious Pluralism
  4. Conclusion

Chapter IV: The Progressive Groups’ Response

  1. Introduction
  2. Competing Religious Ideas and Orientation
  3. On Diversity and Tolerance

 – The Problem of Semantic Confusion

– Challenging the Religious Authoritarians

– Progressives and Social Harmony

– In Defense of Freedom of Thought

  1. Competing Ideas and Mode of Thinking on Liberalism
  2. Progressives on Secularism in Indonesia

Chapter V: The Fatwa on Sectarianism and Its Social Implications: The Case of Ahmadiyah And Shi’a

  1. Introduction
  2. Ahmadiyah and its Genesis in Indonesia
  3. Fatwa on Ahmadiyah
  4. Shi’a in Indonesia
  5. Fatwa on Shi’a
  6. Characteristics of the Mode of Thinking and Implications of Fatwa
  7. Violence: The Case of Ahmadiyah
  8. Violence Against the Shi’a
  9. Closing

Chapter VI: Fatwa of Bahth al-Masail Nahdlatul Ulama’

  1. Introduction
  2. NU and the Preservation of Traditionalism
  3. Factors Conditioning Traditionalism

– The Aswaja Doctrine

– Attitude towards Tradition and Mysticism

– Taqlid and Islam Bermazhab

  1. Lajnah Bahth al-Mas’il and Its Fatwa
  2. Conclusion

Chapter VII: The Fatwa of Majelis Tarjih Muhammadiyah

  1. Introduction
  2. The Foundation
  3. Muhammadiyah’s Mode of Thought

– Muhammadiyah as Puritan

– Muhammadiyah as Reform Movement

– Competing Orientation

  1. The Majelis Tarjih
  2. Fatwaa and Social Changes in Muhammadiyah
  3. Conclusion

Chapter VIII: Conclusion

Bibliographic Information

Title: Fatwa in Indonesia: An Analysis of Dominant Legal Ideas and Mode of Thought of Fatwa-Making Agencies and Their Implications in the Post-New Order Period

Author: Pradana Boy

Publisher: Amsterdam University Press

 Language: English

Length: 316 pages

ISBN: 9789462981850

Pub. Date: November 27, 2017

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