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Book: “Dār al-Islām / Dār al-Harb” to Be Published on April

The book “Dār al-islām / dār al-ḥarb” Edited by Giovanna Calasso, Sapienza University, Rome, and Giuliano Lancioni, Roma Tre University, Rome.

This is the first collection of studies entirely devoted to the terminological pair dār al-islām / dar al-ḥarb, “the abode of Islam” and “the abode of war”, apparently widely known as representative of “the Islamic vision” of the world, but in fact almost unexplored. A team of specialists in different fields of Islamic studies investigates the issue in its historical and conceptual origins as well as in its reception within the different genres of Muslim written production. In contrast to the fixed and permanent categories they are currently identified with, the multifaceted character of these two notions and their shifting meanings is set out through the analysis of a wide range of contexts and sources, from the middle ages up to modern times.

Contributors are Francisco Apellániz, Michel Balivet, Giovanna Calasso, Alessandro Cancian, Éric Chaumont, Roberta Denaro, Maribel Fierro, Chiara Formichi, Yohanan Friedmann, Giuliano Lancioni, Yaacov Lev, Nicola Melis, Luis Molina, Antonino Pellitteri, Camille Rhoné-Quer, Francesca Romana Romani, Biancamaria Scarcia Amoretti, Roberto Tottoli, Raoul Villano, Eleonora Di Vincenzo and Francesco Zappa.

Giovanna Calasso is full professor of History of Islamic Civilization at Sapienza University, Rome. Her main research interests are historical-religious and cultural issues of Islamic Middle Ages: Islamization and conversion to Islam, tradition and change in Islamic thinking and travel literature.

Giuliano Lancioni is full professor of Arabic Language and Literature at Roma Tre University, Rome. His fields of research are history of Arabic linguistic thinking, Arabic formal and corpus linguistics. He co-edited the volume The Word in Arabic (Brill, 2011).

Table of contents

Section I. Concepts and Terminology
Giovanna Calasso, Constructing and Deconstructing the Opposition dār al-islām / dār al-ḥarb: Between Sources and Studies
Giuliano Lancioni, The Missing dār: On Collocations in Classical Arabic dictionaries
Biancamaria Scarcia Amoretti, Some Observations on dār al-ḥarb / dār al-islām in the Imami Context

Section II. Early Texts
Roberta Denaro, Naming the Enemy’s Land: Definitions of dār al-ḥarb in Ibn al-Mubārak’s Kitāb al-Jihād
Roberto Tottoli, Dār al-islām / dār al-ḥarb in the Tafsīr by Ibn Jarīr al-Ṭabarī and in Early Traditions
Raoul Villano, The Qur’anic foundation of the dichotomy dār al-islām / dār al-ḥarb: an unusual hypothesis

Section III. Law: theory and practice
Éric Chaumont, Dār al-islām et dār al-ḥarb: Quelques réflexions à propos de la géographie théologico-politique sunnite classique, en regard du Kitāb al-Muhaḏḏab d’Abū Isḥāq al-Šīrāzī (m. 476/1083)
Francisco Apellániz, An Unknown Minority Between the dār al-ḥarb and the dār al-Islām
Nicola Melis, Some Observations on the Concept of dār al-ʿahd in Ottoman Context (XVI-XVII c.)

Section IV. History of specific areas
Maribel Fierro and Luis Molina, Some Notes on dār al-ḥarb in Early al-Andalus
Camille Rhoné, Les émirs d’Iran nord-oriental face aux steppes turques (IXe-XIe siècle) entre légitimation, confrontation et cohabitation
Michel Balivet, Dār al-islām ou bilād al-rūm? Le cas de l’Anatolie turque au Moyen-Âge
Francesco Zappa, Une appartenance controversée : trois moments dans le débat autour du statut du bilād al-sūdān

Section V. Modern and contemporary developments
Alessandro Cancian, Faith as Territory: dār al-islām and dār al-ḥarb in Modern Shi’i Sufism
Chiara Formichi, Dār al-islām and Darul Islam: from Political Ideal to Territorial Reality
Yohanan Friedmann, Dār al-islām and dār al-ḥarb in Modern Indian Muslim Thought
Antonino Pellitteri, Better barr al-ʿaduww Than dār al-ḥarb: Some Considerations about Eighteenth Century maġribī Chronicles
Francesca Romana Romani and Eleonora Di Vincenzo, Muḥammad Bayram’s Risāla fī dār al-ḥarb wa-suknāhā: A Modern Reinterpretation of Living in dār al-ḥarb.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Dār al-islām / Dār al-Harb

Edited by: Giovanna Calasso and Giuliano Lancioni

Publisher: BRILL

Language: English and French

Length: 420 pages

ISBN: 978-9004328686

To be Published on: April 2017

About Ali Teymoori

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