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Book: Child Custody in Islamic Jurisprudence +pdf

In this book we learn the many different laws on the rights of the mother, the father, the child, and their related topics.

In this informative book written and compiled by Saeid Nazari Tavakkoli, we learn the many different laws on the rights of the mother, the father, the child, and their related topics such as breastfeeding, weaning, child custody in case of divorce, responsibilities of the parents, rules regarding abandoned children, and a great many other laws related to these very important topics according to Islamic Shia jurisprudence. Laws discussed in this book are based on the Quran, and Hadith of the Prophet (saws) and holy Ahlu-Bayt (as). Various fundamental opinions of other Islamic schools of thought are also mentioned herein and discussed.

Bibliographic Information

Title: The Child Custody in Islamic Jurisprudence

Author: Saeid Nazari Tavakkoli

Translator: Ahmad Rezwani

Compiler: Ahmad Namaee

Publisher: Islamic Research Foundation

Language: English and Perisan

Length: 242 pages


Pub.Date: 2011

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