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Book: Annotated Legal Documents on Islam in Europe: France

This volume of Annotated Legal Documents on Islam in Europe covers France and consists of an annotated collection of legal documents affecting the status of Islam and Muslims.

The book Compiled and Annotated by Anne Fornerod, University of Strasbourg-CNRS.

This volume of Annotated Legal Documents on Islam in Europe covers France and consists of an annotated collection of legal documents affecting the status of Islam and Muslims. The legal texts are published in the original French language while the annotations and supporting material are in English. By legal documents are meant the texts of legislation, including relevant secondary legislation, as well as significant court decisions. Each legal text is preceded by an introduction describing the historical, political and legal circumstances of its adoption, plus a short paragraph summarising its content. The focus of the collection is on the religious dimensions of being Muslim in Europe, i.e. on individuals’ access to practise their religious obligations and on the ability to organise and manifest their religious life.

Anne Fornerod, Ph.D. (2006), is researcher at CNRS-University of Strasbourg. She specialises in law and religion studies and published papers in this field, including a monograph on religious heritage: Le régime juridique du patrimoine religieux (L’Harmattan, 2013).

Table of contents

Foreword by the Editors
General Introduction
1. Status of religious communities
2 Relations between the state and Islam
3 State support for Islamic religious communities
4 Muslims in integration law
5 Mosques and prayer houses
6 Burial and cemeteries
7 Education and schools
8 Further and higher (tertiary) education
9 Islamic chaplaincy in public institutions
10 Employment and social law
11 Islamic slaughter and food regulation
12 Islamic dress
13 Criminal law
14 Family law

Bibliographic Information

Title: Annotated Legal Documents on Islam in Europe: France

Author: Anne Fornerod

Publisher: BRILL (March 2016)

 Language: English and French

Length: 191 pages

ISBN: 9789004316348

Pub. Date: March 2016

About Ali Teymoori

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