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Ayatollah Sistani Is in Perfect Health: Al-Kafeel hospital

Al-Kafeel hospital in Najaf denied claims that Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani had been recently hospitalized.

The hospital said that what social media pages published about al-Sistani being hospitalized is untrue, noting that the Shiite cleric is carrying out his duties in his office as usual.

It called on media outlets and bloggers not to spread rumors that aim to destabilize the country’s situation.

Ayatollah Sistani (91) is known as the spiritual leader of Iraqi Shia Muslims and one of the most senior clerics in Shia Islam.

His fatwas have significantly contributed to shaping Iraq’s political structure.

In June 2014 – when Daesh (ISIL or ISIS) unleashed its campaign of terror and destruction in Iraq –Ayatollah Sistani called on his followers to rush to the national army’s help in the fight against the terrorist outfit.

The fatwa helped bring together Shia fighters, Sunni tribesmen as well as Christian and Izadi volunteers under the umbrella of the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), commonly known as Hashd al-Sha’abi, to reverse Daesh’s gains and ultimately end the terror group’s territorial rule in Iraq in late 2017.

About Ali Teymoori

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