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Article: Islamic Perspectives on Human Cloning

The present paper seeks to assess various views from Islamic jurists relating to human cloning, which is one of the controversial topics in the recent past.

Taking Islamic jurisprudence principles, such as the rule of necessity for self preservation and respect for human beings, the rule of la darar wa la dirar (‘the necessity to refrain from causing harm to oneself and others’) and the rule of usr wa haraj, one may indicate that if human cloning could not be prohibited, as such, it could still be opposed because it gives way to various harmful consequences, which include family disorder, chaos in the clone’s family relationships, physical and mental diseases for clones and suffering of egg donors and surrogate mothers.

However with due attention to the fact that the reasons behind the prohibition of abortion only restrict the destruction of human embryos in their post-implantation stages, human cloning for biomedical research and exploitation of stem cells from cloned embryos at the blastocyst stage for therapeutic purposes would be acceptable.

Mahmoud Sadeqi is an Attorney at Law and a member of International Affairs Commission of the Iranian Central Bar Association.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Islamic Perspectives on Human Cloning

Author: Mahmoud Sadeqi

Published in: Journal of Human Reproduction & Genetic Ethics, Vol 13, 2007, Issue 2-32-40

 Language: English

Length: 8 pages

About Ali Teymoori

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