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Article: Human Cloning from the Viewpoint of Fiqh and Ethics

Muslim Scholars and Islamic official Institutions consider human cloning as opposing religious  doctrine, and  forbidden.

Their  ideas  are  based  upon  some  theological  and  juridical  arguments,  including:  posing  a  challenge to the creative power of God, breaking the tradition of marriage, breaking the tradition of diversity  in creatures or species, making changes in divine creatures, game with creatures and so on. They also refer to some verses of holy Quran, and take consequences against the permission of human cloning. The author  is going to say that the above mentioned arguments are not coincided with  the traditional method of Islamic  juridical reasoning (Al-Ijtihad) The author  offers some general solutions for  formulating Islamic doctrines in  the field of human cloning.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Human Cloning from the Viewpoint of Fiqh and Ethics

Authors: Sayyed Mostafa Mohaqiq Damad

Published in: Iranian Journal of Medical Law | 2012 | Vol 1 | Issue 1

Language: English

Length: 7 pages

Pub. Date: 2012

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About Ali Teymoori

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