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An Introduction to The Islamic Shariah +PDF

In this text, Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi has outlined the fundamentals of Shari’ah and how to live by the teachings and laws of Islam. He discusses Taqlid, understanding of the laws and the reasoning behind them, and even the concept of Ijtihad.

The present work attempts to familiarize the readers with the shari’ah, the Islamic legal system. Chapters One and Two define the need for the shari’ah and explain how a Muslim can live by following the shari’ah. Chapter Three is on taqlid: a process in which the lay Shi’ahs follow the legal opinions of a living mujtahid (the expert of shari’ah). Chapter Four deals with trend of rational­izing every shari’ ah law. Finally, Chapter Five, brings the reader closer to the system which a mujtahid uses in reaching to his opinions.

Table of Contents


The Shari’ah

How to Live by the Shari’ah?

Taqlid, Following The Expert

The Tendency of Rationalizing The Shari’ah Laws

The System of Ijtihad

A Look into the Future of Ijtihad

Bibliographic Information

Title: An Introduction to The Islamic Shariah

Author: Ayatollah Sayyed Muhammad  Rizvi

Publisher: Ansarian Publication

 Language: English

Length: 64

ISBN: 978-1502489173

Pub. Date: 2014/04/17

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