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An Analysis of Political and Social Thought of Akhund Khorasani in Constitutional Revolution

Although Akhund Khorasani was one of the traditional lecturers – one of the most prominent figures of traditional thought – in Shiite world, he succeeded to turn the traditional knowledge taught in religious school to a driver of scientific, political and social reforms in Iran.

Akhund Khorasani is among the heroes of Iranian history, and one of politician scholar s of Islamic history. He was one of scholar s whose endorsement of constitutional government caused several thousand years’ monarch government of Iran to be turned to constitutional government, and in fact, he is among the founders of Constitution al Revolution of Iran, and played an essential role in developments of Constitutional Revolution. When Mirza Shirazi went to Samarra, Akhund Khorasani also stayed there with his master; however, he then returned to Najaf upon request of his master, to teach as on e of the most prominent Shiite scholars. He also played a pivotal r ole in Tobacco Protest against the monarch system as he was in Najaf. He was a religious authority, a lecturer at Seminary of Najaf and a political leader of the Constitution al Revolution in 13th and 14th centuries A.H.


Although Akhund Khorasani was one of the traditional lecturers – one of the most prominent figures of traditional thought – in Shiite world, he succeeded to turn the traditional knowledge taught in religious school to a driver of scientific, political and social reforms in Iran. He succeeded to found a new thought, both in the field of science, and in politic al and social realms, from within what was considered to be obsolete, establishing a new system and order in the history of thought based on an old organization. He was a perfect example of reformists in this field, and a scholar with a fighting, and pious character, of whom Shiites are proud. It is seen from study of courses on Islamic jurisprudence and principles of Islamic jurisprudence held in the last fifty decades that most scholars and prominent religious authorities have been students of Akhund Khorasani. Also, among his words are founds examples of innovations in Islamic jurisprudence and principles o f Islamic jurisprudence, each of which open new horizons for Islamic jurisprudence and principles of Islamic jurisprudence. Akhund Khorasani was an influential figure both in theory and in practice in constitutional revolution. He provided religious justifications for his important political positions, issuing important religious decrees in support of constructional revolution. Influenced by the intellectual trends of his time, his political writings show his political and jurisprudential innovations.


An Analysis of Political and Social Thought of Akhund Khorasani in Constitutional Revolution

About Ali Teymoori

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