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A Study of Iraqi Immigrants: Has The Shi‘a-Sunni Conflict Been Transferred to Ottawa, Canada?

This research project examined the dynamics between the Shi‘a and Sunni branches of Islam amongst Iraqi immigrants in Canada.

The escalation of the Shi‘a-Sunni conflict in the aftermath of the American invasion of Iraq in 2003 generated population dislocations. Significant numbers of Iraqis have fled the country for their own safety. Many Iraqis, representing both Shi‘a and Sunni Muslim groups, relocated to Canada as immigrants. This qualitative action research explores whether the Shi‘a-Sunni conflict has been transferred to Canada – more particularly Ottawa – by these Iraqi immigrants. Based on the perspectives of research participants, it transpires that a manifestation of the Shi‘a-Sunni conflict was found in Ottawa, Canada, where the study was conducted. Although the conflict has been transferred to Ottawa, it is a non-violent, low-level conflict.

Bibliographic Information

Title: A Study of Iraqi Immigrants: Has The Shi‘a-Sunni Conflict Been Transferred to Ottawa, Canada?

Author: Ahmad Jafar

Published in: Journal of Shi’a Islamic Studies, Volume 10, Number 1, Winter 2017

 Language: English

Length: 29 pages

A Study of Iraqi Immigrants Has The Shi‘a-Sunni Conflict Been Transferred to Ottawa, Canada-2-30

About Ali Teymoori

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