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Article: Imāmī Theological Thought in the Early Seventh/Thirteenth Century

The present study titled “Imāmī Theological Thought in the Early Seventh/Thirteenth Century: Sālim b. Maḥfūẓ Ibn ʿUzayza (or ʿAzīza) and His K. al-Minhāj” discusses the scarce available data about Sālim b. Maḥfūẓ and the reception of his K. al-Minhāj, and it includes an editio princeps of the portion of the work that is preserved in MS Malik 1650.

MS Tehran, Malik 1650 includes not only one of the earliest witnesses of al-Miqdād b. ʿ⁠Abd Allāh b. Muḥammad al-Ḥillī al-Suyūrī’s (d. 826/1422–23) al-Anwār al-jalāliyya li-l-Fuṣūl al-naṣīriyya, completed in 852/1448, but also a quotation from the otherwise lost K. al-Minhāj, a theological summa by the early seventh/thirteenth-century Imāmī scholar Sālim b. Maḥfūṭ Ibn ʿUzayza (or ʿ⁠Azīza) that was popular among Imāmī scholars of al-Ḥilla until the ninth/fifteenth century. The present study discusses the scarce available data about Sālim b. Maḥfūẓ and the reception of his K. al-Minhāj, and it includes an editio princeps of the portion of the work that is preserved in MS Malik 1650.

Bibliographic Information

Title:  Imāmī Theological Thought in the Early Seventh/Thirteenth Century: Sālim b. Maḥfūẓ Ibn ʿUzayza (or ʿAzīza) and His K. al-Minhāj

Author: Hassan Ansar, Hamid Ataei Nazari, and Sabine Schmidtke

Published in: Shii Studies Review 7 (2023)

 Language: English

Length: 30 Pages

Imami Theological Thought in the Early Seventh

About Ali Teymoori

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