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World Hijab Day Organization Invites Women to Challenges

World Hijab Day Organization invites people of all faiths to participate in two exciting challenges during the holy Month of Ramadhan.

Ramadhan Challenge #1: Fast For Unity

World Hijab Day Organization invites people of all faiths and backgrounds to fast with Muslims during Ramadhan starting April 2nd (dates may vary).This is an open invitation to people of all faiths to fast for a day, two, ten, or all 30 in solidarity with Muslims against rising Islamophobia (anti-Muslim racism) sentiments worldwide.

‘#FastForUnity’ is an opportunity for people of different faiths to experience how Muslims fast and go on a spiritual journey of self-reflection and self-discipline. Through fasting, understand the underprivileged and give charity to them. Thus, making the world a better place!

Ramadan Challenge #2: Hijab 30

World Hijab Day Organization invites women of all faiths and backgrounds to don the hijab for 30 days in Ramadan. The organization urges women of all faiths to accept the “#Hijab30” challenge to take a stand to end discrimination against girls and women in hijab and respect individual choices!

About Ali Teymoori

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