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Video: Imam Khomeini’s Great Respect toward His Wife

Sweeping the floor, washing the dishes and washing our own baby’s headscarf, Imam Khomeini did not consider these things as my duties.

Our father would not start eating food when our mother was not at the table; even if everyone was at the table. He would wait and he starts eating only when our mother had arrived. This is reported about Imam Khomeini from his children. His wife also says: Imam greatly respected me, even when he was very angry with a thing, he never disrespected me. Sweeping the floor, washing the dishes and washing our own baby’s headscarf, he did not consider these things as my duties. And if I had to do this occasionally, he would be upset and he thought that this is a kind of abuse to me. Even when I entered in the room, he would not tell me to close the door, he would always wait for me to sit and after that he would get up and close the door. Imam did not interfere with my private matters and neither in terms of my relationships with my friends. And I used to have the opportunity to live my life however I liked. He advised our son, Ahmad, so much, to take care of me and he told him to ‘be very careful about your mother’. He said: ‘I could not return her kindness, and compensate for that; you do it.’

About Ali Teymoori

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