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The World’s most Outstanding Lady: Fatima al-Zahra by Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi

This book has been arranged into three booklets, of which the first has been allocated for a brief study and description of the life of this great Lady, Fatima al-Zahra (s).

Intermediary for earthly and heavenly creation wise one, daughter of the Prophet (spirit of beauty between the two), and the worthy wife of the saint of Allah, Hazrat Ali (a.s). Fatimah (s.a,) unparalleled heroin and unequalled herald throughout the history of Islam and Shi’ism. Always appearing as the manifestation of self sacrifice, bravery, affection, abundant generosity in the way of the presentation of Islam and the Qur’an, and support of the frontage of the vicegerency.

Naba’ Organization in accordance with its objectives strives to introduce and make known to the Public, the Holy Quran and the blessed family of the holy Prophet (S) and in the course of this effort has first endeavoured in the translation of the book, “Fatimah Zahra”.

This book has been arranged into three booklets, of which the first has been allocated for a brief study and description of the life of this great Lady. In its contents, while introducing the Parents and spouse of that Hazrat, an explanation and description of the particulars and historical Proceedings of that great lady’s lifetime from childhood until marriage, is given then the sufferings and hardships of the life of that Hazrat after the martyrdom of the Holy Prophet (S) are regarded, and the account is proceeded by a depiction of the events that occurred until the moment of her martyrdom.

The second and third booklets of this series after a description of Fatimah’s characteral qualities give a presentation of the Superiorities of her spoken words. With reliance on God’s special assistance, and after acknowledging of the glorified status of the blessed Family of the Holy Prophet (S) and the inability of our thoughts in their understanding. We ask God to make us successful in the way of introducing this glorious family and we request of all the able and thoughtful to help and support us in making known the different aspects of the Personal identity of this honourable Family.

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About Ali Teymoori

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