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The Teaching and Learning of Usul Al-Fiqh in Public Universities in Malaysia

This article attempts to portray the current scenario of studying usul al-fiqh in Malaysia particularly in the selected universities:  University of Malaya (UM), National University of Malaysia (UKM),  University of Islamic Sciences Malaysia (USIM), International Islamic  University  Malaysia  (IIUM)  and  University  of  Darul  Iman  Malaysia  (UDM).

The teaching and learning of usul al-fiqh is important in order to derive Islamic legal rulings (hukm). Therefore, an expected outcome of studying usul al-fiqh is to produce students who master the tools (know-what) and have the capability (know-how) to derive Islamic rules through its primary and secondary legal sources. With regards to public universities in Malaysia, the subjects of usul al-fiqh are taught to shariah students and covers Islamic legal resources (Quran, sunnah, consensus, analogy, public interest, juristic preference, custom, etc), interpretation of legal texts, methodology of Muslim Jurists, conflict and preference (ta’arud and tarjih), legal maxims and others. However, some scholars are skeptical as to the ability of graduates to practice the tools of usul al-fiqh.  Hence, this article attempts to portray the current scenario of studying usul al-fiqh in Malaysia particularly in the selected universities:  University of Malaya (UM), National University of Malaysia (UKM),  University of Islamic Sciences Malaysia (USIM), International Islamic  University  Malaysia  (IIUM)  and  University  of  Darul  Iman  Malaysia  (UDM). It will also identify challenges with regards to the teaching and learning of usul al-fiqh in Malaysia. The findings of this research are  that: i) there is no standard number of related subjects of usul al-fiqh  offered in public universities; ii) there is an urgent need for a module for  the teaching and learning of usul  al-fiqh  in order to produce shari‘ah  students who  are  competent in the  know-how of  usul al-fiqh;  and  iii)  the  level  of  Arabic  command  among  students  needs  to  be  paid great  attention.

Bibliographic Information

Title: The Teaching and Learning of Usul Al Fiqh in Public Universities in Malaysia: Reality and Challenges

Authors: Ali Abdul Karim, Ismail Muhammad Safiri, Ramli Rushdi and Abdul Rahman Noor Naemah

Published in: Jurnal Syariah, Jil. 16, Keluaran Khas (2008)

 Language: English

Length: 13 pages

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