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The Rites of Hajj, Practical Treatise and Rules+PDF

This book discusses the importance of Hajj, one of the obligatory pillars in Islam. The secrets, conditions of necessity, different types of Hajj as well as conditions of Hajj al-Tamattu’ are thoroughly discussed along with its rules and regulations.

Hajj is one of the most important pillars of Islam and it is one of greatest religious duties. Holy Qur’an says in a short and meaningful sentence: It is on people for the sake of Allah to perform Hajj of his house, anyone who is able to undertake the journey to him. (2:196). And it says below this verse: And anyone who disbelieves (and renounces Hajj, has impaired himself), Allah is not in need of any of his created ones in the worlds.”(3:97). The sentence “It is on people for the sake of Allah …” adding the definition of “disbelieves” (infidelity) for people who renounce the obligatory Hajj. This clears shows it’s extraordinary importance in Islam. This book discusses the important of Hajj, one of the obligatory pillars in Islam. The secrets, conditions of necessity, different types of Hajj as well as conditions of Hajj al-Tamattu’ are thoroughly discussed along with its rules and regulations.

Bibliographic Information

Title: The rites of Hajj

Author:  Ayatollah Naser Makarem Shirazi

Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

 Language: English

Length: 133

ISBN: 978-964-533-112-0

Pub. Date: 2012/12/23

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