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The Position of Lady Fatima al-Zahra (a) in the Verse of Mubahalah from a Sunni Perspective

According to Sunni traditional and exegetical sources, more than 135 verses in 49 chapters and two complete chapters (Dahr and Kawthar) are related to Lady Fatima’s persona.

The verse of Mubahalah indicates the infallibility of the People of the Cloak (Ahzab-e Kisa) in their words and deeds. This verse refers to the famous event of al-Mubahalah which took place in the year 10 A.H. against the Christians of Najran. Both Shi‘a and Sunni scholars have narrated this event. Imam Ali (a) was considered as ‘our souls’ (anfusana), Lady Fatima (a) as ‘our women’ (nisa‘ana), and Imam Hasan (a) and Imam Husayn (a) as ‘our sons’ (abna’ana). Some Sunni scholars believe that this report is fully authentic. Traditions about Mubahalah have been reported in 51 different ways and quoted from 37 major religious scholars.

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Bibliographic Information

Title: The Position of Lady Fatima al-Zahra (a) in the Verse of Mubahalah from a Sunni Perspective

Author(s): Muhammad Ya‘qub Bashvi

Published in: Message of Thaqalayn, Vol 13, No3, Autumn 2012

 Language: English

Length: 15 page

The Position of Lady Fatima al-Zahra a in the Verse of Mubahalah from a_Sunni_Perspective

About Ali Teymoori

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