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The Features of the Shi‘a from the Perspective of Imam al-Sadiq

In this article, Imam al-Sadiq, the sixth Shi‘a Imam, gives advice to his companion Abd-Allah ibn Jundab on the features of a true Shi‘a, some of which are those who know God, heed the hereafter, constantly engage in self-reckoning (muhasabah), being generous, and treat wrongdoers with respect and forgiveness.

The Shi‘a are those who follow Ali—the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad—and believed in his Imamate and caliphate according to the explicitly teachings and testament of the Prophet Muhammad. In this article, Imam al-Sadiq, the sixth Shi‘a Imam, gives advice to his companion Abd-Allah ibn Jundab on the features of a true Shi‘a, some of which are those who know God, heed the hereafter, constantly engage in self-reckoning (muhasabah), being generous, and treat wrongdoers with respect and forgiveness.

In his advice to Abd-Allah ibn Jundab, Imam al-Sadiq first warned the Shi‘as of Satanic traps,and then enumerated the features of his true friends and those of other Shi‘as.

Bibliographic Information

Title: The Features of the Shi‘a from the Perspective of Imam al-Sadiq

Author: Ali Mohammadi

Translator: Mahboobeh Morshedia

Published in: Message of Thaqalayn, Summer2018, Vol. 18, No. 4

 Language: English

Length: 7 pages

The Features of the Shi‘a from the Perspective of Imam al-Sadiq

About Ali Teymoori

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