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Ten Decades of Ulamaʹs Struggle+PDF

This book recounts the lives of some of the Ulama of Iran committed to the inspired and noble cause of Islam. It is first and foremost dedicated to their memory and to the spirit in which they lived and worked to finally attain the supreme status of martyrdom.

This book recounts the lives of some of the Ulama of Iran committed to the inspired and noble cause of Islam. It is first and foremost dedicated to their memory and to the spirit in which they lived and worked to finally attain the supreme status of martyrdom. The biographies contained herein give an account of the political and social struggles of the Ulama in the cause of Islam and should be a source of inspiration to all Muslim nations and oppressed masses of the world. It is an account of their undaunting and continued struggle, devotion and self-sacrifice to save their nations from the shackles of oppression and the moral quagmire into which they have fallen for too long now.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Ten decades of Ulamaʹs struggle

Author:  AbdulRahim Aqiqi Bakhshayeshi

Publisher: Islamic Propagation Organization

 Language: English

Length: 281

Pub. Date: 1984/04/21

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