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Temporary Marriage; The Overall Picture

The main reason behind temporary marriage is to give a person who fears falling into sin an outlet to satisfy his sexual desires.

Temporary marriage is one of the most controversial topics in the Islamic world today. Shia Muslims agree that temporary marriage is permissible according to Jafari fiqh, while Sunni Muslims equate temporary marriage with prostitution. The main reason behind temporary marriage is to give a person who fears falling into sin an outlet to satisfy his sexual desires. The purpose of this book is to create an open dialogue with the youth about this issue. I wish to show them the benefits and the dangers of temporary marriage. The permissibility of temporary marriage is discussed showing that it is an avenue that Allah has created for the prevention of sin. The philosophy of this form of marriage is examined. The hunt for finding a temporary marriage, which is the part where many fall off the path, is reviewed. The various jurisprudential rulings, such as who one can perform a temporary marriage with, the father’s permission, the contract, and what happens after the marriage concludes is also covered.
About the Author
Shaykh Hamid Waqar is an American convert who studied in the Islamic Seminary in Qom, Iran for over a decade. He lectures throughout the world and produces Islamic material via his website 14 Publications. He is currently based in Sydney, Australia.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Temporary Marriage; The Overall Picture

Author:  Hamid Hussain Waqar

Publisher:  lulu.com

 Language: English


ISBN:  9781329301658

Pub. Date: 2015/07/02

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