As with every other aspect of our lives, Islam provides us with all the necessary information for the sexual lives of man and woman. The reason for this is simple; Islam recognizes the innate nature of man, and has ordained sexual relations for pleasure, and not just procreation. Sexual desires cannot, and should not be...
Read More »Book: Jurisprudence of the Economic System of Islam
Jurisprudence, as stated in the well-known definition, refers to knowledge of the judgments about the deeds of "the people responsible for their...
Read More »The Legacy of Lady Maryam and Prophet Isa in the View of Quran
The Holy Quran poignantly describes the origin of Prophet Isa, beginning with a description of his family and their life of devotion to...
Read More »Text of the Islamic Declaration of Human Rights
The idea of formally committing this Declaration down to writing took shape in 1979, when the Tenth Conference of the Islamic Foreign Ministers decided to form a consulting committee composed of Muslim experts to prepare a....
Read More »Baseless Theories about the Origins of the Shīʿa
There are many theories about the appearance of Shīʿa that are completely baseless. Some believe, for instance, that Shīʿa appeared as a result of political conflicts in the first century...
Read More »Human Rights in Islam by Ayatollah Khamenei
The issue of human rights is one of the most fundamental human issues and also one of the most sensitive and controversial. During the recent decades, this problem was more political than either ethical or...
Read More »The Human Status of Women in the Quran
As what kind of entity does Islam envisage Woman? Does it consider her the equal of man in terms of dignity and the respect accorded to her, or is she thought of as belonging to an inferior species? This is the question which we...
Read More »Family Life in Islam
In so far as family-life goes, we see that Islam has unravelled every problem of the family system with such dexterity that one has to accept that it could not be solved in a better way....
Read More »Walayah as a Response to the Self-Other Dichotomy in European Philosophy
This text introduces the movement to examine cultures from perspectives that challenge the predominant European discourse, which, since the colonial era, has seen ‘the Self’ (or ‘we’) as Europeans, and ‘the Other’ as people from cultures that are not European, criticize it and...
Read More »Understanding the Relationship between Religion and State
From time to time, discussions about the relationship between state and religion become increasingly important. The role of Muslims and their position on this issue usually needs clarification given that the interaction between state and...
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