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A Study of Social and Cultural in the IsnaA‘shari Shias: Shi’ism in India

Vastness of territories in India and its variety of cultures form different religions, as well as the importance of their Social and Cultural Changes role in these groups have been consideration recently than before. In this context said, study of social and Cultural lives of different groups and tribes in India becomes a very important and essential task.

Muslims are the second religious population in India which makes studying them important. Regarding the religious minorities in India and their cultural varieties, groups like Shia Muslims in India are considered as Social and cultural cases, because Shiism has had the main role in spread of Islam and its culture in the Subcontinent. Nowadays in the carried out studies, Shias and their role in the development of Islamic culture are considered less, and even their role in development of philosophy and other sciences is ignored. Therefore, case study of this research has been on the Shias of Mysore which is located in southern India in the state of Karnataka. In this regard, this study follows Social and culture of Shiites and its changes compared to the past. This is carried out through qualitative and quantitative methods and with techniques of interviews, observations, collecting documents, and questionnaires on 250 head of families which in the statistical society of 2500 members of Shias in Mysore show changes compared to the past after study of issues like age, marriage, migration, education, language, beliefs and cultural values. As an example, the age of marriage has risen compared to the past; and education and literacy of families especially women at universities have changed. Regarding the achieved redundancies in the historical past, we observe better identity – related developments; although this process is very slow, but the Social and cultural changes are evaluated as positive. India: A Study In Society And Culture”

Bibliographic Information

Title: A Study of Social and Cultural in the IsnaA‘shari (TwelverImami) Shias Shi’ism in India (Case Study Mysore City)

Authors: Jalal Jafarpour, ShahramBasity and Dr. Mohammad Reza Iravani

Published in:Technical Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 4 (3): 156-164, 2014

 Language: English

Length: 9 pages

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About Ali Teymoori

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