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Step-by-Step Guide to Performing Umrah and Hajj+PDF

This book has been organized in a step-by-step manner, and includes most of the issues that would be required by a pilgrim.  It is  tried to include the issues from the following Mujtahids; Ayatollah Al-Khuei,  Ayatollah Gulpaygani and Ayatollah Sistani.

Having had the chance to perform my Hajj last year, the experience was wonderful,and pray to Allah for his acceptance. Regretfully, I found that we lacked a manual for reference, and although we had great Aalims (scholars) to guide us, it was extremely difficult for the Aalims to clear all the questions from so many pilgrims within the limited time. This was the main reason I decided to take this task, and I sincerely hope that Hujjaj’s will be able to benefit from this book. This book has been organised in a step-by-step manner, and includes most of the masaelthat would be required by a pilgrim. In issues that I have felt need more explanation, I have tried to include the issues from the following Mujtahids; 
Ayatollah Al-khuei, Ayatollah Gulpaygani and Ayatollah Sistani.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Step-by-step guide to performing Umrah

Compilor: Ali M.R Manji

Publisher:  Ahlulbayt Organization

 Language: English

Length: 50

ISBN: 978-1496040831

Pub. Date: 2014/04/21

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About Ali Teymoori

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