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Shia Muslims: Our Identity, Our Vision, and the Way Forward

In a time of exceptional complexities, where the risk of being subjected to misinformation in the global media is prevalent, it is important to find trustworthy resources to attain true understanding. This booklet was written to clarify misinformation about the principles and goals of Twelver Shia Muslims.

The author, Sayyid M.B. Kashmiri, a Shia religious scholar and the North American representative for many Shia jurists and religious authorities, relies on the doctrines, provisions, and reflections shared by prominent Shia Muslim scholars. All of this is done in alignment with the Holy Quran and the teachings of the infallible progeny of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon them. This text focuses on three major elements: the identity of Shia Muslims, their vision, and the approach to achieve their goals, hence exemplifying how Shia communities play a positive role in the countries they live in.


In the name of God, the All-Beneficent, the All- Merciful

May blessings and peace be upon His prophet and the best of His creations, Muhammad and his pure and infallible progeny

The United States of America is characterized by traits that have guaranteed its progress and marked its excellence among other nations in recent history. One of the prominent features of the United States of America is its ability to embrace a diversity of cultures and a variety of schools of knowledge by attracting their leaders and followers from around the world.

There is no doubt that cultural and informational diversity is a requirement for progress and prosperity, and it has the potential to improve quality of life. The Almighty Creator of the world and humankind speaks of it as He says, “Among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colors. There are indeed signs in that for those who know” (Quran 30: 22),1 and “Were it not for God’s repelling of the people by means of one another, the earth would surely have been corrupted; but God is gracious to the world’s creatures” (Quran 2:251).

Today, Muslims constitute a significant portion of the cultural and intellectual demographic of the United States. We have a presence in many fields and contribute to them at all levels; sometimes these contributions are minor, but at other times they are crucial and pivotal.

Thus, we American Muslims no longer see ourselves as isolated and marginalized. We have voiced our opinions and are increasingly being noticed in every stratum of society, particularly given immigration and a growing family structure that has produced second and third generations that value citizenship and coexistence. Indeed, the emergence of American Muslims in the public’s awareness and our now seemingly permanent position there has been due to the global events of the last two decades. These include not only the tragedy of September 11, 2001, the wars on the terroristic Taliban in Afghanistan, and the dictatorial Baathist regime in Iraq, but also other events that have changed the course of history and altered the identity of many nations. Thus, in the same way that other groups have become integrated in the United States after many decades of isolation and marginalization, Muslims in America are becoming mainstream.

Because of this trend, awareness of Muslim values is growing, and the American public is willing to learn about the details of our lives and the diversity of our denominations. In part due to the influence of the media, it has become normal for people to ask American Muslims which sect we belong to, either casually or out of curiosity. This contrasts with what happens in countries inflamed by sectarian strife where the same question often has a hidden agenda.

As such, we American Shia (Arabic: شيعة) Muslims, who have been encouraged by our leaders to integrate and coexist while simultaneously preserving our religious identity and noble traditions, have become the subject of inquiry by our fellow citizens with whom we share common patriotic concerns. Hence, we Shia Islamic leaders are increasingly invited to introduce Islam from the perspective of the progeny of the Prophet, and our continued presence in scholarly discussions, research forums, and academic conversations is being noticed. These contributions enrich knowledge and educate others about the culture of Shia Muslim American citizens who are full of giving and sacrifice for their country and for a safe life.

After receiving many requests about Shia Muslims from seminar attendees, I saw fit to write a booklet that is easy to understand for those interested in getting to know the principles and goals of Ithna Ashariyya (Arabic: عشرية إثنا “Twelver”)2 Shia Muslims in a clear and genuine way. I am hoping it will be a good introduction and a door to further investigation and learning. Today we live in an exceptional and complex time with vast information in global media where there is ample risk of getting lost and misinformed. Thus, this booklet intends to clarify misinformation and to fulfill the wishes of those who requested it. It is easy to hold and carry around, and I hope it is also easy to read and understand.

In writing it, I have relied on the doctrines, provisions, and reflections that prominent Shia Muslim scholars have abided by and been inspired by—the glorious Quran, the teachings of the infallibles, consensus,3 and reason. I hope it is worthy and useful.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Shia Muslims: Our Identity, Our Vision, and the Way Forward

Publisher:  Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya (I.M.A.M.)

 Language: English

Length: 105 pages

ISBN: 13: 978-0-9982544-9-4

Pub. Date: January 6, 2018

Click Here to Read the Book Online.

About Ali Teymoori

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