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Saudi Arabia Mistakes Saturn for the Shawwal Moon

Al Jazeera TV announced that Saudi Arabia had taken Saturn for the crescent moon of Shawwal at Monday’s sunset.

Watch this video which is a slap in the face for those who accused Islamic Republic of Iran of announcing a wrong date as Eid al-Fitr and deceitfully said the moon of the first night of Shawwal had been large and it had certainty been the moon of the second night.

Al Jazeera TV announced that Saudi Arabia had taken Saturn for the crescent moon of Shawwal at Monday’s sunset.

The reporter, Ms. ʻUmar al-Khaṭīb, says, “According to all astronomers, it was impossible to sight the crescent moon of Shawwal at Monday’s sunset either with the naked eye or a telescope, and most observers of the crescent moon in the world also believed that the Shawwal crescent moon was invisible at Monday’s sunset.”

However, the crescent moon observers in Saudi Arabia had stated they had sighted the Shawwal moon. But now they announce that they have taken Saturn for the moon!

And this is the end of those who are devoted to Satan and the Saudi Wahhabi!

The government of Saudi Arabia pays six million Riyal as Kaffara (money one has to pay to make up for their broken fast) for Tuesday. The Saudi government had to pay this because it made a mistake in announcing Tuesday as the first day of Shawwal and Eid al-Fitr.

About Ali Teymoori

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