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Sanction on Ayatollah Khamenei Was Insulting to all Muslims

Lebanese Assembly of Muslim Scholars stated that the action of the president of the United States, Donald Trump, relating to putting the name of the Grand Ayatollah Sayyeid Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, on the sanctions list was “insulting to all Muslims in the world. This matter confirms that he (Trump) is a fool who does not know how to behave with the Iranian nation that will not be despised.”

Lebanese Assembly of Muslim Scholars reiterating the need for an armed struggle with the Zionist regime by Palestinian militants refuted the actions of President of the United States against the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran and called it offensive.

Lebanese Assembly of Muslim Scholars stated, “Bahrain Economic meeting on the US Plan for Palestine which was held under the pretext of the claim of Palestinian economic prosperity and in fact, the abolition of its rights could not achieve its goal.”

The Assembly issued a statement announcing that “This meeting was born dead, so with [the United States and the Zionist regime’s] failure of accompanying one individual of the Palestinian people to participate in this plot, they are trying to increase the amount of money.”

The Al-Ahd news agency quoted from the Assembly as saying, “the United States and the Zionist regime have forgotten that this heroic nation will not sell their goals for a bunch of dollars and will continue to jihad to free their country’s territory.”

The statement called on the Palestinian leaders to hold a training session to determine the rules of confrontation for the future, based on the principle of non-return to the previous agreements and the declaration of its invalidity.

The Muslim Scholars Assembly of Lebanon also stressed that the leaders of Palestine should declare the resumption of the armed struggle as the only way to claim their rights, abolish the recognition of the Zionist regime and activate the Palestine Liberation Organization.

The statement also appreciated Bahrain’s heroic nation, “a nation that has proved that its ruthless rulers are not representative of their will, but they (the rulers of Bahrain) are instruments for the Zionist-American plan and the pioneers of the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime.”

In continue, the Muslim Scholars Assembly emphasized that the action of the president of the United States, Donald Trump, relating to putting the name of the Grand Ayatollah Sayyeid Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, on the sanctions list was “insulting to all Muslims in the world. This matter confirms that he (Trump) is a fool who does not know how to behave with the Iranian nation that will not be despised.”

The assembly argued that this action of Tramp has consequences that he will not be able to endure, especially as Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani has stated that Iran’s patience is limited. Therefore, he must be careful about his behavior and the wise men of the United States prevent him from doing such behaviors.”

At the end of the statement, while appreciating Lebanon’s unanimous position regarding non-participation in the Bahrain meeting, it was emphasized that this position reflects a consensus of the Lebanese nation on the rejection of this conspiracy.

The Bahrain meeting was held in Manama on Tuesday and Wednesday, with the participation of some Arab reactionary countries in the region. American and Zionist officials claimed that the purpose of the meeting was to assist the Palestine economy, but in fact, the main goal is to eliminate the Palestinian issue.

Jared Kushner, the White House adviser in the Middle East reconciliation process, at the opening of the meeting said, “All that we are trying to do is peace and security for the Palestinians and Israelis.”

“Thousands of Palestinians came to the streets of Gaza on the invitation of the Supreme Council of the “Rally and the End of the Siege” and chanted against the Manama meeting yesterday.”

About Ali Teymoori

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