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The Role of Social Media in Paving the Ground for Reappearance: A Hijab Case

In this article, the writer presents examples of the use of social media tools by few groups of Muslim Women to increase their capacity to spread information and ideas to global public as well as to build networks among them.

Our today’s world is not only shaped by the conventional media that provides information in the one-to-many form that controlled by media company or government, but also by the social media that gives more spaces and power to the ordinary people to spread information in the many-to-many form. In this article I will present examples of the use of social media tools by few groups of Muslim Women to increase their capacity to spread information and ideas to global public as well as to build networks among them. At the end of the paper I will describe lesson learned for the society that paving the ground for the reappearance.

Bibliographic Information

Title: The Role of Social Media in Paving the Ground for Reappearance: A Hijab Case

Author: Reni Susanti

Published in:  The Bright Future, Nomber 7, July 2012

 Language: English

Length: 11 pages

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