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Religious Minorities in Christian, Jewish and Muslim Law (5th – 15th centuries)

The fruit of a sustained and close collaboration between historians, linguists and jurists working on the Christian, Muslim and Jewish societies of the Middle Ages, this book explores the theme of religious coexistence (and the problems it poses) from a resolutely comparative perspective.

The authors concentrate on a key aspect of this coexistence: the legal status attributed to Jews and Muslims in Christendom and to dhimmīs in Islamic lands.  What are the similarities and differences, from the point of view of the law, between the indigenous religious minority and the foreigner?  What specific treatments and procedures in the courtroom were reserved for plaintiffs, defendants or witnesses belonging to religious minorities?  What role did the law play in the segregation of religious groups?  In limiting, combating, or on the contrary justifying violence against them?  Through these questions, and through the innovative comparative method applied to them, this book offers a fresh new synthesis to these questions and a spur to new research.

Table of Contents


John Tolan, Introduction


Talya Fishman,The Relative Authorities of Text and Tradition in Medieval Jewish Jurisprudence: Geonic Exceptionalism in its Islamic Context

Anver M. Emon,The Legal Regulation of Minorities in Pre-modern Islamic Law

Ken Pennington, Western Legal Collections in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries

Jonathan Brown, Scripture, Legal Interpretation, and Social Praxis in

the Islamic Tradition: The Cases of Polygamy and Slavery


Section I, Rights of residence.

Capucine Nemo-Pekelman, Introduction

Ahmed Oulddali, Les conditions de la résidence du ḏimmī : entre règles absolues et relatives

Farid Bouchiba, Les ḏimmī-s et leurs lieux de culte en occident musulman : églises et synagogues en droit musulman (point de vue mālikite)

Géraldine Jenvrin,La ğizya dans la « loi divine » selon le commentaire coranique d’al-Qurṭubī (m. 671/1272)

Anna Matheson, Muslims, Jews, and the Question of Municipal Membership in Twelfth- to Fifteenth-Century Portugal

Nadezda Koryakina, Jewish Citizens versus Jewish Foreigners: The Legal Status of a Minority within the Minority in Medieval Catalonia

Marisa Bueno Sánchez, Les murs de la foi: les frontières identitaires dans les quartiers musulmans et juifs de la Castille médiévale

Section II, Distinguishing Minorities: Segregation, Violence, Protection.

Nora Berend, Introduction

Paola Tartakoff, Segregatory Legislation and Jewish Religious Influence on Christians in the Thirteenth Century

Jessie Sherwood, Legal Responses to Crusade Violence against Jews

Elisheva Baumgarten, Minority Dress Codes and the Law: A Jewish-Christian Comparison

Francois Soyer, Prohibiting Sexual Relations across Religious Boundaries in Fifteenth-Century Portugal: Severity and Pragmatism in Legal Theory and Practice

Clara Maillard, Protection des chrétiens en terre d’Islam et discussion entre papes et souverains musulmans : le cas singulier des mercenaires du Maroc

Section III, Tribunals and Trials.

Youna Hameau-Masset, Introduction

Uriel Simonsohn, Muslim Involvement in Non-Muslim Political Affairs in the Early Islamic Period

Martha Keil,Jewish Business Contracts from Late Medieval Austria as Crossroads of Law and Business Practice

Adam M. Bishop, The Treatment of Minorities in the Legal System of the Kingdom of Jerusalem

Aleida Paudice, The Women of the Trent Trial (1475-1478)

Delfina Serrano, La yajuz li-hukm al-muslimin an yahkum bayna- huma: Ibn Rushd al-Jadd (Cordoba, d. 1126 ce) and the Restriction on Dhimmis Shopping for Islamic Judicial Forums in al-Andalus

Judith Olszowy-Schlanger, Hebrew Documents and Justice: Forged Quitclaims from Medieval England.

Bibliographic Information

Title: Religious Minorities in Christian, Jewish and Muslim Law (5th – 15th centuries)

Editors: John Victor Tolan, Capucine Nemo-Pekelman, Nora Berend, and Youna Hameau-Masset

Publisher: Brepols Publishers; Bilingual edition

 Language: English and French

Length: 454  pages

ISBN: 978-2-503-56571-2

Pub. Date: 22 May 2017

About Ali Teymoori

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