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PhD Scholarships in Islamic Studies at University of Leeds

Theology and Religious Studies (TRS) at the University of Leeds invites applications from academically excellent candidates for several Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funded PhD studentships commencing 2017-18.

The PhD Scholarships in Islamic Studies at University of Leeds focuses on Muslims in Britain.

The deadline for applications is 1 February 2017.

TRS at Leeds represents an internationally excellent and world-leading environment for postgraduate research.

Areas of supervision offered in Islamic Studies focus on all aspects of the study of Muslims in Britain, Europe and the West, Christian-Muslim Relations, as well as the ethnography of contemporary religion, politics and culture in Muslim societies.

Applicants for an AHRC scholarship must have applied first for a place of study in the School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science. Correspondence regarding the suitability of candidates and application procedures should be directed in the first instance to the TRS Postgraduate Research Tutor, Dr Seán McLoughlin (s.mcloughlin@leeds.ac.uk), and/or prhs_pgenquiries@leeds.ac.uk.

For more information Click here.

About Ali Teymoori

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